Our Team
We at SREIG have for many years worked in leading roles in finance, property development, project management and administration. Completed projects include homes, offices, warehouses, energy technology facilities, data centers, schools and hospitals. Below is our team that through its network realizes the company's investment strategies and return targets.

Jan-Christoph Norlander
In the team - JC Norlander with long experience of running large community building projects in both the private and public sector. JC has worked in roles as client representative, project manager, main project manager, project, construction and design manager. The experience in project implementation ranges from detailed planning stage and all the way to handing over objects to management and operations. Under JC's leadership, the construction of the Helix facility was awarded the Construction of the Year 2013 award with the motivation “an organization in collaboration”. Some time later, in 2018, JC was awarded Project Manager Community Building of the Year. JC has a master's degree in Industrial Economics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. [back to the Board]

Gustav Hanstad
In the team - Gustav Hanstad with many years of experience in management. Gustav previously worked as property director at Locum, and in recent years as head of administration at Mimer. Under Gustav's responsibility have been all hospital properties within the Stockholm Region with a managed area of just over 2.2 million. sqm. This includes Karolinska University Hospital in Solna and Huddinge, among other hospitals. On the housing side, Gustav has administrative responsibility for almost 11,500 homes. Over the years, Gustav has participated in most transaction matters. In the team, Gustav is noted as a confident and well-liked team builder with the ability to create trust. Gustav has an engineering degree from the Royal Institute of Technology. [back to the Board]

Mikael Eriksson
In the team - Mikael Eriksson with long experience of working in senior positions, previously as project manager on the construction side at Skanska and now as CEO of KI-Panel. Mikael has experience of all stages of implementation, from idea to handed over facility. This includes experience of design, time planning, financial management, procurement of consultants and UE as well as production management in the implementation phase. Note the interest in building a secure and committed implementation organization where the potential of each employee is utilized. Mikael has a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a later focus on Construction from Uppsala University of Technology.

Mats Åleskog
In the team – lawyer Mats Åleskog with extensive business and corporate legal experience. Mats has been working at Agenda law firm for many years and has specialized in transactional law with a particular focus on the purchase and sale of real estate and real estate companies. In addition to this, Mats is an expert in tenancy law with a focus on commercial leases of premises for industry, trade and offices. In assignments, the experience spans both the private and public sector. Mats, who has a Jur. B.Sc. from Uppsala University, is noted in the team for its commitment to want to contribute to societal benefits for both the older and younger generations through property development. [back to the Board]

Joakim Nordlander
In the team - Joakim Nordlander with a focus on sustainability. Joakim has previously worked for Vattenfall with business development in the energy sector, where the emphasis was on research and development projects in the energy system of the future. Prior to that, Joakim worked at Skanska and later at PE technology & architecture, where he was the main project manager and client representative for community and infrastructure projects. Joakim has a master's degree in energy systems from Uppsala University and contributes to the team with his special interest in energy issues for the Sustainable Properties of the Future.

Klas Onegård
In the team - Klas Onegård with many years of experience from various roles in the construction industry both on the client and contracting side, most recently as head of WSP's group for construction and project management in Uppsala. Klas has experience of all stages of implementation from idea to commissioned and handed over facility. Klas' commitment is particularly noted for his experience of project management for everything from housing, preschools, commercial premises, nursing homes and helicopter airports to large hospital projects. Klas, who previously studied road and water construction at KTH in Stockholm, is KA acc. PBL.