Investor Relations
General information about our funds
Scandinavian Real Estate Investment Group AB (SREIG) has been registered as a manager of alternative investment funds since 2022 in accordance with the Alternative Investment Funds Act (LAIF). SREIG Förvaltning AB is under the supervision of Finansinspektionen. Investors in the funds are Swedish and northern European institutions, pension companies and insurance companies.
Information on financial leverage
SREIGs funds primarily take out loans with collateral in each fund's underlying assets. The funds 'maximum permitted leverage is stated in the shareholders' agreement in force at any given time. Current borrowing is stated in the interim report. Investors who want further information regarding mortgages, collateral and leverage are welcome to contact the Board of Directors for further discussions.
Management of conflicts of interest
SREIG AB has an overall responsibility to identify and manage conflicts of interest that may arise in the business. The funds continuously report their development andthe company has adopted an instruction for management of conflicts of interestInvestors who want further information on managing conflicts of interest are welcome to contact the Board of Directors for further discussions.
The company's strategy for exercising voting rights
For each of the company funds, voting rights will be exercised in the common interest of investors and in in accordance with the objectives and investment orientation of the funds. Investors who want further information are welcome to contact the Board of Directors for further discussions.